The Promise & The Purpose #33 - New Rules, New Rituals, New Response

When Jesus stepped into the world, everything changed. History was split in two - BC and AD. The old rules that had governed peoples relationship with God, the Old Rituals people followed in order to connect with the divine, and the Old Response people had to God... In a moment all was swept away and replaced with something better, more glorious and more gracious. And people rejected it because people hate change.

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The Promise & The Purpose #30 - Comfortably Numb

We are all unique and different, and we all done and said things we would be horrified if they were made public - maybe things we did and said before we knew any better, before we gave our lives to Jesus… Maybe things we did and said since we gave our life to Jesus and that’s why we carry the guilt with us still. These things can’t be undone so we don’t know what to do or say or feel about it, but the constant shame and guilt can end up leaving us … Numb

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The Promise & The Purpose #25 - It's not a hobby - it's a lifestyle

Going to church is not reliant on how good the service might be or who’s preaching this week or how many modern worship songs they might sing there… nor who’s leading the worship. That’s how you might choose to attend a conference or a concert… not how you choose whether to go to church!
Going to Church on a Sunday should be your custom, It should be an immoveable object in your life …

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