The Promise & The Purpose #23 - Would you Adam & Eve it?

Adam was formed from the dirt, from the created physical realm, yet he was animated to life when God breathed into him, imparting the breath of life - a phrase used only here in the whole bible -

Adam is different from all the other living things God created - Adam is a fusion of the physical with the spiritual - the breath of life shared from Yahweh dwells within Adam and his offspring and no where else.

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The Promise & The Purpose #22 - Gods & Monsters part 2 (Enoch)

The purpose of the story of Enoch is to illuminate the story of Jesus and to frame his victory on the cross as complete - not just reversing the sin of Adam - the rebellion of humans against Yahweh - but also dealing with the sin of the angels, the rebellion of the spiritual sons of God against Yahweh.

And the promise of Enoch is to know that we can please our God, not by living perfectly, not by working hard, but simply by believing him and believing his promise to reward his children.

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The Promise & The Purpose #21 - Gods & Monsters part 1 (Noah)

When you walk with someone, you are going in the same direction they are going

When you walk with someone you have to be walking at the same pace they are walking at

Noah walked with God

The bible starts with Adam and Eve walking with God, and ends with God once more dwelling with his creation.

Walking with God is the key to success

When you walk with God you set your direction, and you make your choices to stay alongside God

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The Promise & The Purpose #20 - Wait & Believe

Abraham and Sarah waited 25 years for the promise of a child to come to be.

Waiting is not punishment or learning or with any understandable reason – Sometimes it is just a part of life. We do not have all the information. God knows what we don’t. Trust Him.

Yes waiting tests our faith sometimes - but as I wrote this message I felt God impress upon my heart that it isn’t always for that reason.

GOD IS NOT REASONable – We cannot learn or grasp GOD with a human concept.

Sometimes we have to wait just because he hasn’t given us the fulness of the promise yet.

That’s it, no BIGGER REASON and we can laugh while we wait, and we can wait with faith, and we can expect with full confidence - because GOD has shown throughout time that He always keeps his promises in his timing, which is always on time every time!

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The Promise & The Purpose #17 - Relationship Goals

Our relationships define us - in ways that are obvious and subtle

We define ourselves based on our relationships - a husband, a pastor, a boss - our identity is closely linked to our relationships

Which means, when a relationship is healthy, it has a positive impact on our identify and our definition of ourself

And when the relationship is not healthy - it can have a negative impact

What if, the unhealthyness in the relationship comes not from the other person, but from you. From what YOU say, how YOU act, YOUR attitudes and YOUR behaviours… You will see in todays message, how that also has a negative impact on you - on your sense of identity and your definition of yourself.

Who you are - your identity and sense of self - is affected by how you treat other people just as much as by how other people treat you.

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The Promise & The Purpose #16 - Get Past Your Past

Can you imagine the tabloid headlines on uncovering that family line for Jesus?

I LOVE that God turns what we imagine in our self-righteous minds on it’s head.

If you have been made to feel unworthy or unusable by God because of your past or even because of your present status in life; It’s time for you to change that mindset over yourself.


And… if you are guilty of discounting someone from ministry potential – you also need some Rahab rehab thinking today.

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The Promise & The Purpose #14 - A Person after Gods Own Heart

The sons of Jesse are rejected one by one… until he seems to run out of sons… Samuel asks if there are any more sons… It’s like the story of Cinderella isn’t it? The shoe does not fit any of these… is there anyone else?

And the answer, just like in Cinderella, is “oh well I guess there’s the insignificant one out doing the low, menial tasks”

Do you ever feel INSIGNIFICANT?

There’s no such thing in the life of a Christian! YOU, like DAVID have been chosen!!

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