God is generous, and at HOPE we seek to reflect this aspect of His character. 

How we spend our time, energy and finances should be a reflection of God's generosity to us and an expression of worship. Here are some ways you can support God's work.

Your donations are used to support the running of Hope Church and the extension of God's Kingdom in Malmesbury and beyond. 


Make a donation by debit card 


You can make regular donations by standing order from your internet banking app or website.

The bank account details to use are:

Account: HOPE CHURCHES - Sort Code - 40-52-40 Account: 00023040 

Or you can Download details of how to setup a standing order here 

Register for UK Gift Aid

Boost your donation by 25% if you are UK tax payer by using GIFT AID. Click the button to register.

Support the HOPE Build Fund: Home4Hope

To make a donation to the HOPE Building fund which will be used to provide a home for Hope Church, simply click the button to pay by Debit Card or make a bank transfer into the Hope Bank Account quoting the reference HOME4HOPE

The bank account details to use are:

Account: HOPE CHURCHES - Sort Code - 40-52-40 Account: 00023040 

Donate to Home4Hope

Opportunities to Serve

Find out how you can serve God by volunteering at HOPE Church, click the button to download the form and place it in the offering basket on Sunday.


If you would like more information on how Hope Churches manages the donations we receive, you can contact the trustees by email:  info@thehope.church

Hope Churches is a registered charity, number 1151101.