Reboot, Reset, Restart

The answer to the identity angst that is visible in every part of our society at the moment… is not who we chose ourselves to be - it is to recognise our identity comes not from what we choose for ourselves but from the one who choses us and to see our identity through His eyes — as a child of God, a follower of Jesus - a part of the true vine

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Covenant #3 - Moses

The theme of Covenant runs throughout the Bible - Old & New Testament - and shapes God’s relationship with humans. Knowledge and understanding of covenant can give rise to faith and enable us to overcome impossible odds. This week we look at the Covenant God made with Moses - and how Old Testament Law points us to Jesus and freedom.

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Covenant #1 - Noah

The theme of Covenant runs throughout the Bible - Old & New Testament - and shapes God’s relationship with humans. Knowledge and understanding of covenant can give rise to faith and enable us to overcome impossible odds. This week we look at the first Covenant mentioned in the Bible - the covenant declared to Noah.

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