Mind The Gap #11 - Proof

Today in Mind the Gap we are going to talk about a different kind of Gap - this is a Gap which can show up in our lives - and show us up. It is the Gap between what the bible says about God’s children and the life that we live and the proof that our life offers that the Gospel is true.

Today we will look into the Proof Gap

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Mind The Gap #10 - Power - part 2

FAITH is literally exercised every moment of our day

You can’t say you are not a person of faith... What you mean by that is really you are not a child of God... If you CHOOSE not to believe that Jesus is the answer to salvation and eternal life then that’s your BELIEF choice.

Funny how we need a lot less convincing to believe that the Bible is wrong than to believe its right... we need less proof to convince us to go against the Christian faith... than we demand for us to commit to it.

Jesus said accept as a child because they don’t reason and argue; they hear that God loves them and they believe – they hear that God has a purpose for them and they get excited and imagine it... they LOOK for purpose because they know they have it. They hear that they have power and they declare it and they claim it and they expect it.

Adults are so messed up

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Mind The Gap #7 - Purpose

We read in the Bible that:

Ephesians 2:10 (NKJV) For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

So what are those good works we are supposed to be doing - how do we spot them, how do we know what on earth we are supposed to be doing for heavens’s sake?

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Mind The Gap #5 - Prosperity

Our new preaching theme “MIND THE GAP” is turning out to need more like a series of teachings on each theme to properly find our way to closing the gaps we see between our Christian experience and what we see in the Bible and KNOW to be true.

So today we take a look at the Prosperity Gap. God’s Prosperity comes when He blesses the things that we do. We don’t deserve it, but we have it by right of inheritance because we are adopted into God’s family.

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