The key to THRIVING as we are truly designed to do - in this life and the next – is in knowing our true identity and living it out!
Read MoreThere is more to being a Christian than being saved - we are designed to rise and soar like eagles. Once we start on the journey - there is no turning back!
Read MoreThis week we look at the Fear that Pushes us - pushes us into bad choices, rash decisions and pushes us away from the things we should be running towards
Read MoreThere is a war that rages within us - our flesh and the Spirit of God within us - opposed to each other keeping us from doing the things we want to do - which leaves us frustrated, depressed, disillusioned, disappointed. This week learn how to Remove Before Flight those things which seek to Control You
Read MoreAs a man prays - so is he. We pray about the things that matter most to us. Do our prayers reveal that there is a ‘secret materialist’ sitting inside our head - that we put more focus and value on the here and now in the physical world than we do on the spiritual word?
Learn how to identify the attitudes and beliefs that you need to Remove Before Flight
Read MoreWe become like the people we spend time with We begin to echo the voices we listen to
Learn how to identify the voices and people that you need to Remove Before Flight
Read MoreThere are things in our lives - attitudes, behaviours, relationships - mental strongholds - beliefs even - and they hold us back. Until they are removed - we can not soar
We’re not supposed to be held back, or held down by things from our past or the things we do today - we’re designed for freedom, not captivity
In the final chapter of our Easter series, we see God's Restoration in action.
Restoration is more than forgiveness
You may accept forgiveness from God, but have you allowed yourself to be restored?
When you are forgiven, God takes away the consequences of our sin
When we are restored, God gives back to us the things we lost as a result of that sin.
Experience the beautiful, gentle restoration of God in our message this week
Today is the day when everything changes. The tomb is empty, death is defeated, Jesus is alive!
Read MoreThe Easter story rushes towards its climactic conclusion. This week Pastor Lydia guides us through the next chapter of the story as we look at Easter through the eyes of the Apostle John and see first hand the humanity and compassion of Jesus.
Read MoreWho is Jesus? The most important question anyone ever has to answer. Because the answer to that question changes everything. This week Pastor Mark explores who Jesus was to the characters in the Easter story including Judas, Peter, Pilate and the people in the street. We pray that you will find you answer - who is Jesus to you?
Read MoreJesus prayed for you - just before he was arrested - he took time to pray for you - and He continues to intercede on your behalf in the throne room of heaven. This is the assurance of every Christ follower - the the free offer available to any who would chose to believe today.
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