In the fourth instalment of our series The Call - Andrew Dickerson examines how Elisha responded to the Call and discovers 5 key attitudes for success
Read MoreWe all make mistakes, but why is it that some people can recover and get their life back on track and others just don’t? It's all a matter of heart.
Read MoreThe Story of Saul is a one of the saddest the in the bible - it is the story of how a person, who was so full of potential, was called by god, anointed and appointed by God to a great calling… and eventually loses everything God had originally destined for him and his family. He throws it all away through bad choice after bad choice. In this weeks message from our new series The Call, Pastor Mark analyses Sauls failing and explains the four keys we can use to guard ourselves and our calling from a similar fate. If you value the call God has placed on your life, you can’t afford to miss this weeks message from Hope.
Read MoreGod's plan for redemption is based on His calling us and our response. When we are saved, we respond to the Gospel call then as we walk out our faith, God calls us, again and again. He calls us to move - to become more Holy, to pursue him, and to answer the call to serve him. In this series, we are going to the studying the idea of the The Call of God on our lives.
Read MoreWe all wear different hats - husband, father, boss… wife, mother, coach, counsellor… but what about the different spiritual hats we wear as followers of Christ. When we notice the hats we wear - and those we don’t - it can help bring balance to our walk with Jesus
Read MoreFall in love with God’s word - again or for the first time. Dr Isaac Frank brings this weeks message of Hope and inspires us to pick up God’s word and study it.
Read MoreThis week we had a special, interactive event led by Sue Jones. Sue is a scientist, and educator, part of the spiritual leadership team at Hope and founder for Creation Family Science.
Sue shares her passion for science and points out how the evidence found in the ground aligns with the Bible’s description of Noah’s flood.
Read MoreGod made You to be You - there was a You shaped hole in the universe and God created you to fill it. In todays Top Tips sermon, Pastor Lydia Faithfull shows us how to embrace the UNIQUE creation that God made when He made each of us.
Read MoreOur #TopTips series continues - this week it's: Peace.
Do you have peace or conflict in your thoughts and emotions? Do you wish you could stop being so upset by what people say or what happens to you? The answers are in this weeks Sermon from Hope
Read MoreThe story of mankind is the story of the search for joy - how we look for it in all the wrong places. Our Top Tips series continues with Pastor Mark sharing his top 3 tips for finding joy every day
Read MoreWhen Peter preached on Pentecost - he was preaching to a crowd that was already searching for God, already looking for a Messiah and already believed in the truth of scripture. Society today is very different, how best can we share our faith in todays post-modern, post-christian society?
Read MoreHilarity ensues this week as Pastor Lydia attempts to keep Theobold and Pastor Mark in line as she explains how raising children and puppies has an awful lot in common. This special teaching provides three powerful and effective keys to help you raise your children to make good choices and embrace their own Christian faith.
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