The Call #1 - The Calling of Samuel

God's plan for redemption is based on His calling us and our response. When we are saved, we respond to the Gospel call then as we walk out our faith, God calls us, again and again -

He calls us to move - to become more Holy, to pursue him, and to answer the call to serve him. In this series, we are going to the studying the idea of the The Call of God on our lives. 

The Call is the thing God is asking you to do next - or do now if you’ve been ignoring him for a while and not done it yet.

Don’t be mistaken into thinking that this is just about volunteering to do a job in church, the call on your life is so much more than that

The call is the current expression of why God created you

The call is something that changes over time - as we gain experience and perspective and wisdom and ability then God calls us to greater and greater things

The call is the prompting of the Holy Spirit that causes us to be doers of the word, not just hearers. 

Sometimes the call is profound, sometimes the call is mundane but always the call leaves us changed.