In part three of our Stewardship series in our Leap Year, Mark explores the idea that we give to God, and God alone by looking at three examples of giving in the bible from David, Mary and Zacchaeus.
Read MoreThere are three keys to living a larger life. This week our special guest Dr Brad Norman shares a word of encouragement that challenges us to live the larger life found in the purposed of God.
Read MoreIn week two of our Leap Year chapter on Stewardship, Mark explores why God pays so much attention to our giving.
Read MoreThis week Andrew Dickerson kicks off our new series about Stewardship. It’s not all about the money!
Read MoreThe Word is a Weapon in your hands. But you have to learn how to use it before it will be effective and helpful
Read MoreThe word of God is a mirror - it shows you who you really are and its shows you what you look like to God. This week Pastor Mark unpacks what it means to look into God’s mirror and see yourself as your truly are.
Read MoreThe word of God is a seed according to Jesus - and the kingdom of God operates on the principle of seed, time and harvest. This week Andrew delves into these truths and brings understanding and revelation that can transform your approach to prayer and life!
Read MoreThe Bible is the very word of God. So how is this so- and what does it mean to someone today? Dave Jones kicks off our new chapter of Leap Year - the Bible.
Read MoreThis week Pastor Mark teaches how our life mission affects our perspective, choices and satisfaction in life. It's easy to find yourself pursuing the wrong mission which makes it impossible to enjoy life.
Read MoreGod does great things through the least of us. And no-one was more least than Gideon yet through him God saved a nation against overwhelming odds.
Read MoreThe Devil is the world's greatest SCAM artist. This week Pastor Lydia exposes the tricks and the lies that so often trip us ip. Listen and learn so you don't fall for the STING next time.
Read MoreWhy do Christians get baptised - what does it mean and is it still relevant in the 21st Century?
In this short message from Hope Church's Family BBQ and Baptism Sunday, Pastor Mark explains all.
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