Do you ever wonder why science and the bible appear to disagree? Was Noah's flood real or simply a metaphor? This week Sue Jones explores how Science and Faith meet.
Read MoreLydia ends our Leap Year chapter on Faith & Miracles. Faith Acts - it is a verb, a doing word. Your faith is not a matter of what you think but what you do. Watch the message a learn more
Read MoreWhen God speaks, things change; when we speak in faith, things change too. Learn how, when and why in this weeks message from Hope.
Read MoreIn part two of our series on Faith and Miracles, Dave Jones explores the relationship between faith and love.
Read MoreIn the first part of our new chapter in Leap Year, Sue Jones starts our exploration of Faith & Miracles. God is able, and God is willing to work a healing miracle in your life today - all you have to do is ask. Watch the message and learn more.
Read MoreIn the final part of our chapter on Prayer, Dave unpacks what Jesus meant when He said we should prayer forgive us as we forgive others.
Read MoreThis week Andrew continues our Leap Year look at The Lords Prayer and finds unexpected depth and meaning in 6 simple words: give us today our daily bread.
Read MoreWe live in the now and the not yet - God's kingdom is coming - but it is not yet fully here. We can all name parts of our lives where we do not see the fullness of God's kingdom active everyday. How do we reconcile this with the Bible's promises and what can we do to speed the arrival of God's kingdom in every area of our family and life?
Read MoreWe have no idea, the impact our prayers have on other people, that person you decide to invite for coffee and share the gospel with on Thursday may go on to lead a revival meeting and mission that makes Billy Graham look like the warm up act.
Read MoreGod gave you talents in order for you to use them. Learn how to identify your window of opportunity and step into the purpose and plans that God created you for
Read MoreThis week Mark explodes 5 Myths about Christian Hospitality and challenges us all to be generous with our hospitality
Read MoreIn part two of our series on Generosity, Andrew explores what it means to be generous with our money
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