This week Mark starts a new chapter in our Leap Year series: Generosity. We start by taking a look at God's Generosity towards us. It's time to start living as though we believe the bible to be true.
Read MoreThis week Sue concludes the second chapter of our Leap Year with the final part of Walking in the Spirit - A fruitful life. Is your life full of good fruit? How can you develop a daily habit of walking in the Spirit? All this, and more, in this weeks message
Read MoreEvery day we have a choice, to allow our feelings and desires to control us or to get them under control with God's help
Read MoreIf you want to be able to hear God and understand the Bible you need to walk in the Spirit. This only happens when we take control of ourselves and stop living selfishly. In part 2 of the Walking in the Spirit series, Mark shows us how to Renew of Mind so that we are prepare to meet and resist temptation and live a life that attracts rather than repels the Holy Spirit's blessings.
Read MoreIn a special message for Easter, Lydia helps us to identify any chains that are holding us bound and realise that it was for freedom that Christ has set us free - including freedom from all those chains. Listen again and experience your freedom this Easter.
Read MoreWhat does it mean to walk in the spirit? This week Andrew kicks off our new chapter in Leap Year and challenges us to understand and question out motivation for walking in the spirit. Do we really understand the freedom that Jesus won for us at Easter?
Read MoreIn a change to our regular programming, this week we celebrate 5 years of Hope Church, and explore our vision for 2018. Come along and join us for the ride of your life!
Read MoreFrom speed limits to tax law – when we rebel against authority or break the law we are in rebellion against God. But more than that, we have been given authority as children of God and citizens of the kingdom of heaven – but we have to pick it up and use it!
In this message, Mark explores the authority that we have been given as children of God, how to use it and the responsibility this also brings.
Read MoreIn the week that Snowmageddon brought Britain to a stand-still, Hope Church had to change venue for a week and so we held a family service in our teaching facility at Charlton Park. This short, informal message from Mark points out the gospel message and challenge for the church family that is hidden in the snow.
Read MoreIn part three of our new Leap Year series, Pastor Lydia challenges us to stop thinking like servants of God and to start seeing ourselves as sons and daughters of the King. This change in perspective it powerful and liberating. Listen again to this weeks sermon from Hope Church and learn more...
Read MoreOur LEAP YEAR series continues with part 2 of God in Me; this week Andrew reminds us that God looks at each one of us and says: you're beautiful.
Read MoreIn the very first part of our new series LEAP YEAR, Sue Jones invites us to consider what it really means to be a new creation and the dramatic freedom that offers if we can wrap our heads around the implications.
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