This week Mark draws our series on Big Ideas from Colossians to a close by exploring what it means to consider every situation and prayer request from Heaven's perspective. Gods plans and priorities do not always match our own, this is what it is important we understand what it means to pray 'in Jesus name.'
Read MoreThis week Mark continues our series exploring the Big Ideas from Colossians. This week we find Zombies in the Bible - and Vegetarians!
Read MoreThis week Mark continues our series Big Ideas from Colossians and he uncovers and examines 4 more Big Ideas.
Read MoreIn Part 1 of a new series based on the book of Colossians, Mark explores some of the Big Ideas that Paul wants to teach the growing church in the city of Colossae. These Big Ideas are just as relevant to us today as they were 2000 years ago.
Read MoreFor the first Sunday of 2018, Pastor Mark brings a special message which encourages us to keep our eyes on Jesus and introduces our 14 days of Prayer and Fasting during January.
Read MoreOn the last Sunday of 2017 - and New Year's Eve to boot - Lydia shares a challenging and uplifting word on how to resolve the differences we sometimes see between the promises in God's word and what we see going on in our lives every day.
As a special Christmas bonus, we start with a visit from the Hope puppets. Enjoy!
Read MoreIn part three of our Advent Series, Pastor Pat visiting from Spain, invites us to examine our expectations for the coming Christmas Season.
Read MoreThis week Andrew continues our Advent series The King is Coming. In our busy 21st century life we are easily distracted by something shiny - but all that glitters is not gold. The Wise Men followed a star and it led them to Jesus - but how can you be sure you are following the right star?
Read MoreIt's the first Sunday of Advent, and as we turn our attention to the Christmas Season and the Birth of Jesus, Mark invites us to consider how do we respond when God puts a call on our life that threatens to turn our plans and dreams upside down.
Read MoreIn the final part of our 9 week series on Spiritual Warfare, Mark reviews what we have learned so far and introduces the final piece of the armour of God - the often overlooked role of Prayer.
Read MoreIn the penultimate sermon in our series on Spiritual Warfare, Sue Jones shows us how to handle the Sword of the Spirit effectively to see victory in every area of our lives.
Read MoreThis week Pastor Lydia continues our series on Spiritual Warfare and looks at the helmet of salvation - what is it, and how is it relevant to life today?
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