Our series on Spiritual Warfare continues an examination of the Armour of God - this week we look at the Shield of Faith. Andrew explains what the shield of faith is, and how to use it in the 21st century.
Read MoreIn part 5 of our series on Spiritual Warfare, David Jones continues the study of the Armour of God with the Shoes of the Gospel. What are they, how do we use them and what relevance do they have to our life today in the 21st century?
Listen and find out!
Read MoreThis week Mark continues our series on the Armour of God and how this relates the to the idea of Spiritual Warfare. We wrestle not against flesh and blood... but God has equipped us with everything we need to resist the attacks of the enemy.
This week discover how God has provided protection for your heart, your identity and your sense of self-worth
Read MoreWhat is truth?
Part three of our series on Spiritual Warfare turns our focus to the Armour of God - our protection in this present darkness. We start with the foundation - the belt of truth.
Read MoreThis week Mark concludes the detailed introduction to our new series on Spiritual Warfare.
- Do you wonder where the 'powers and principalities' come from?
- Who or what were the Nephilim?
- Were do angels and demons come from?
The answers to these questions and more are covered in this weeks sermon: We wrestle not against flesh and blood.
Read MoreIn part one of our new series on the unseen realm, Mark takes a look at some surprising passages in the bible and what they reveal to us about the spiritual realm
Read MoreThis week, Lydia concludes our HOW TO series with a powerful and uplifting reminder of who we are in Christ
Read MoreThis week Pastor Mark gives three keys that enable us to stand strong in any Storm we face in life and unpacks the key strategies of spiritual warfare to help you identify the real battle that needs to be fought.
Read MoreWe all face times of Adversity in our lives - this week Andrew explains and unlocks how to overcome any adversity that you face
Read MoreThis week Dave Jones continues our HOW TO series and explains HOW TO ... Read Your Bible - no really read it - so that it makes sense and provides the answers and revelation you are looking for.
Read MoreThis week Pastor Vicki brings an inspiring and encouraging message titled: HOW TO... Keep your Perspective. Using the story of David and Goliath as a starting point, Vicki teaches us how to keep the giants in our life in perspective and this is the key to defeating them.
Read MoreThis week Sue continues our series HOW TO... and explains HOW TO Receive Your Miracle.
And keep listening for a bonus music track at the end
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