Little Mermaid Panto Digital (2160x1080px).jpg

Support the Hope Church Christmas Pantomime

Every year Hope Church runs a free Christmas Pantomime. This year we expect 350 visitors from the local community to enjoy our seasonal, family friendly show.

While we put on the show for free, it costs money to stage it. About £2,000 in total. Costs include hire of radio mics (£576), lighting (£327), hire of the school (£700) and publicity (£300) plus costumes, refreshments and so on.

If you can help support the cost of this community event, click the button below to make a donation.


All donations will be used towards to costs of the Hope Church Christmas Pantomime 2018. In the event of any surplus funds, these will be donated to the CtiM Christmas Voucher Scheme which provides Co-Op gift cards to local families in need to help cover the costs of Christmas.