Posts in Box Set
Sacred Symbols #4 - Giving

We do things that do things. Tithing or giving to God through your local church is one of those things. Nothing ignites the emotions and causes a reaction like money - just proving the point that when we give we do things that do things. Why should we give to God. How should we give to God. Where should we give to God. This week Pastor Lydia answers all these questions.

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King of King #5 - The Pregnant Pause

After his baptism, Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days to be tested before the start of his years of ministry. We all go through a time of probation - a trial period, an experimental appointment to see how we get on - before God promotes us into our calling. Probation precedes promotion During the probation our character is refined, our temperament is tested, we become the person able to tackle the task God has set before us

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