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Join us for Hope online

Join us online for worship and teaching every week at 10am on Sundays - from the safety of your home. We may be seperated but we are not alone.

Click the button or follow this link to join our online Sunday service at 10am every Sunday (Doors open 09:45)


Community online

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We are using social media, primarily Facebook, to maintain our community and keep in contact during the week.

Visit the Hope Church Facebook page for inspiration and hope every day.

See the live events this week:

Diary and Events



All our sermons are available to listen again online and you can subscribe using iTunes or your podcast player of choice.  The most recent sermons are below and the full list is here.


Every member of Hope has free access to over 10,000 courses, conference sessions and bible studies through RightNow Media - it's like a Christian Netflix.  Speak to one of the pastors to request your free login.

Watch sermons and videos on YouTUBE


Special Arrangements during the COVID19 outbreak

For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand;
it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”
— Isaiah 41:13

We are living in unprecedented times.  

At a time when many could give in to fear (and others stoke that fear for their own ends) - we have a Hope to share.

We are confident that God is on His throne, He is in control and His will will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

So how do we respond to COVID19 as a community of believers?

We do it with Hope, not despair, Faith and not fear.

We take reasonable steps to protect those who need protecting but we do not deviate from our mission to share the Hope that we have.

Everyday we co-operate with God for our own protection and the good of others - we put batteries in our smoke detectors, we wash our hands after going to the toilet, we tell children not to put 'that' in their mouth and we take the medicine the doctor prescribes. 

As the COVID19 virus spreads through our population - we need to take steps to protect those who are vulnerable from catching the disease.  Whether or not we feel well, whether or not we have no fear of illness or even death itself - we have a responsibility not to be the means that carries the virus to someone else to get ill.

We will me making some temporary changes to the way we operate in order to thwart the virus and prevent it from spreading to us, and through us to the vulnerable.

From 5th January 2021:

Our Sunday services will take place Online - follow the links above to join the services.

We're excited to be able to continue preaching the gospel at at time when many churches in the area are simply having to close their doors - and to learn how to use this new platform to reach people who would never walk through out doors.    

We will be sharing ideas and resources with you to help us all represent Christ and show his love to our neighbours and community.

While Churches are legally able to open at the moment, we are reliant on rented venues and those are not open or available for our use at the moment - and so we provide online services for now.

In the meantime, if you are isolated at home, post a message to the Hope FB group if you need any practical help and someone will volunteer to collect your shopping, walk your dog and so on.

This situation is developing rapidly so watch for emails and FB posts for news and updates.

With love and blessings

Mark & Lydia