Diary and Events
All our sermons are available to listen again online and you can subscribe using iTunes or your podcast player of choice. The most recent sermons are below and the full list is here.
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Sunday Services
Hope Church meets at 10:30 am in Malmesbury Town Hall, Cross Hayes, Malmesbury SN16 9BZ.
We meet in the Wesleyan Hall upstairs - look for the Hope Church signs pointing the way. There is parking in the car park in Cross Hayes or the Malmesbury Long Stay Car Park (10 minutes walk).
Follow this map to find our Sunday service - or find us with what3words at ///firewall.dimension.outreach

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We promise to keep your details safe, secure and never to share them. For full details, read our privacy policy

Join us for Hope Church Live and In Person - everyone is welcome
A special guest speaker from Creation Ministries will explore the scientific evidence that supports the bible’s account of Noah’s flood.